(Click here for details)

   SP5 Herbert Norman Adams, US Army, 5/10/66
LCPL Fred Buffington, USMC, Jun 30, 1968
SSGT Glenn C. Duncan, US Army, May 3, 1970
SP4 Michael R. Glenn, US Army, Feb 11, 1970
PFC Willie Edward Glover, US Army, Apr 10, 1968
SP4 James Harrison Hopkins, US Army, Jun 4, 1969
PFC Ronald H. Howard , USMC, Mar 16, 1969
PFC Paul E. Kelley,  Jr, US Army, Jun 17, 1967
PFC Wilbur L. Milam III USMC, Feb 10, 1969
PFC Terry Lee Mulkey USMC, Jun 5, 1968
PFC Gary William Painter, USMC, Feb 28, 1968
CPL Troy D. Payne, Jr, USMC, Apr 26, 1967 
CPL Charles D. Smith, USMC, Jun 15, 1968
SP4 James L. West, US Army, Feb 20, 1968
HM3 Robert W. Wood, USN, Jul 21, 1967

(Click on the names in blue to for details.)

LCPL James Ansley, USMC, 1952-1960
CPL Kenneth Ansley, USMC, 1957-1960
A3C Doug Beckett, USAF, 1958-1962
Sgt. Glenn Edward Black, US Army, 1969-1971
A1C James Black, USAF, 1955-1959
E-5 John Black, US Army, 1965-1967
SSgt Jim Blackburn, USAFR,  1954-1962
AE2 William (Billy) Cantrell, USN, 1956-1960
TD3 Kenny Cargile, USN, 1962-1966
CPL James Ronald Cochran, USMC,1957-1960
E-5 Ted Cochran, USN, 1965-1969
OSCS(E8) Ronald Crowe, USN, 1957-1980
SSgt William Deaton, USAF, 1954-1963
Spec5 David DeLay, US Army, 1963-1966
AT3 Herbert Eubanks, USN, 1953-1957
PO3 Ed Fitzgerald, USN,1962 - 1968
SSgt O.B. Garrison, Jr, US Army, 1957-1962
A1C Charles A. (Gus) Gustafson, USAF, 1963-1967
SP4 Ronald Hardeman, US Army, 1964-1970
A01 John Hayworth USNR 1961-1969
SSgt Tony Henry, USMC, 1967-1971, 1986-2001
Sgt Carl Holsomback, US Army, 1966-1968
CPL E-4 George Jenkins, USMC, 1959-1967
E5 Billy Martin, USAF, 1966-1972
E4 Jerry Mason, USAF, 1962-1966
ADJ2 Johnnie Mason, USN, 1956-1958
SMSgt E8, Murphy McBrayer, USAF - Ga. Air Nat. Guard, 1965-1991
SP4 JAMES (JIM) MOSS, US Army, 1959-1961
JOHN E MYERS, USN, 1954-1962
SP-4 Douglas Pharr, US Army, 1963-1966
AT2 William C. (Bill) Pilcher, USN, 1959-1963
Captain James (Jim) Pitts, US Army, 1969-1971
1stLt Charles Poor, US Army, 1966-1969
LTJG Allen Potter, USN, 1963-1967
Cpl E-4 Robert Presley, USMC, 1957-1964
E4 Charles Pritchett, USMC, 1952-1960
E8 Charles Pritchett, USAF, 1975-1994
SSgt Charles Rakestraw, USAF, 1963-1967
SP5 Randy Ramey, US Army, 1966-1968
SGT Mark Reed, US Army, 1969-1971
SP5 Brian Sanders, US Army, 1966-1968
E-4 Mike Sangster, US Army, 1965-1971
Seaman Freddie Sanders, USN, 1961-1963
Sgt Haywood Savage, USMC, 1965-1971
1st LT Donald Sellers, US Army, 1966-1970
SP4 Frank Smith, US Army, 1957-1959
A2C John Steely, USAF, 1961-1965
Lt. Col. Charles Switzer, USAF, 1955-1973
SP4 Jim Taylor, US Army, 1966-1972
SGT Joe Taylor, US Army, 1964-1970
StfSgt E5 Richard Tuttle, USAF, 1963-1969
Command Chief Master Sergeant James Mike West,
US Army, 1969-1971, USAF, 1975-2006
Colonel Charles R. (Pete) Wood, US Army, 1955-1985


Beginning with a little more than a ragtag army at Valley Forge, today America’s Military has been honed into the strongest fighting force in the world and the ultimate keeper of our liberties and freedoms.

Battlefield conditions have changed and the battle lines lack clarity, but America and our way of life remains under attack. Every day men and women answer our nation’s call to serve echoed from the memories of Lexington, Yorktown, New Orleans, Belleau Wood, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Midway, Chosin,Viet Nam, to Afghanistan and Iraq. 

America’s commitment to freedom was further forged into actions like the Berlin airlift and “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”. These events happened due to our strengths not weaknesses.

Obscure locations known only to historians and military families are now forever stained with American blood keeping alive our Founding Father’s words of freedom and liberty that we must never forget. The strength and tradition of America’s Armed Forces ensures that their sacrifices will not be forgotten and our country’s cherished ideals will never be taken away.